About the Event

This event aims to:

• establish a unique platform for sharing both cutting-edge developments and best practice in English language assessment in higher education

• provide a dynamic space in which regional and international policy makers, educational professionals, academics, teachers and assessment practitioners can interact, exchange information and keep abreast of the leading developments in the field of English

• facilitate an ongoing dialogue amongst a range of regional and international professionals to explore assessment solutions that meet local needs and achieve global standards

Intended Outcomes

• Sharing best practices and lessons learnt on most recent English Language Assessment Priorities in Türkiye in relation to international standards

• Fostering a culture of continuous research and improvement in language assessment across Türkiye

• Establishing principles of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in assessment and language frameworks informing assessment

• Developing a road map with prioritised themes agenda for future policy Dialogues for English Programmes in Turkey with a focus on quality assessment.

• Initiation of collaborative research projects between international experts and local professionals, aiming to develop context-specific English language assessment tools that align with global standards.

Conference Themes

Assessment: Policy engagement and impact

This theme will explore how language assessment policy is shaped, implemented and its impact on educational policies.

Key theories/concepts:

• Comprehensive Learning System (O’Sullivan, 2020)

• Working with stakeholders

• Assessment literacy

Quality Assurance in English Language Education through Quality Assessment Practise and Products

This theme will address the importance of formative assessment for improving teaching and learning of English as well as the importance of sound assessment principles to provide evidence of gains in proficiency and accountability for spending on language teaching and learning initiatives.

Key theories/concepts:

• Quality assurance

• Formative and summative assessment

• Assessment literacy

Internationalisation of Education and Employability

This theme will discuss the role of assessment in helping learners achieve their career goals and how assessment practises meet the needs of employers.

Key theories/concepts:

• Implications for English as a medium of instruction

• Washback

• Impact on individual within society (Weir, 2005)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Principles in Assessment

This theme will consider issues regarding EDI in language assessment and how EDI principles can be fostered.

Key theories/concepts:

• Social identity

• Bais

• Cultural Competence

• Barriers for special needs

Meet the Event Organizers

Ayşen Güven

Head of English and Higher Education, British Council

Elif Kantarcıoğlu

English Language Prep. Program Director, Bilkent University

Özlem Ovayurt

English Language Prep. Program Head of Testing, Bilkent University

Ayça Üner

English Language Prep. Program Head of Teaching, Bilkent University

Hande Işık Scott

English Language Prep. Program Head of Professional Development, Bilkent University

Bora Can

Head of Business Development, British Council

Funda Demir

Education Projects Manager, British Council

Aidan Holland

Global Assessment Solutions Manager, British Council

Çağla Selçuk

Operations Coordinator, British Council